Okay, the Joe Lieberman part of
this is his usual yada yada. But I kinda chuckled at the rest of it:
Lieberman contended that Dean had criticized President Clinton's economic record in a domestic speech Thursday. Advisers for Wesley Clark also used the Dean remark to lash out at the front-runner, although they acknowledged Friday they were not entirely clear of the affront.
Heh. Okay. On with the story, and the saga of Desperate Joe...
Dean referred Thursday to a State of the Union address by the former president: "While Bill Clinton said that the era of big government is over, I think we have to enter a new era for the Democratic Party, not one where we join Republicans and aim simply to limit the damage they inflict on working families."
Dean has denied that he intended the remark as criticism of the former president, and the campaign said Friday that Dean believes Clinton had a "great record of success" and wants to build on it.
But Lieberman said Friday, "If you look at the language, it sure looks like he's being critical of the Clinton idea that the era of big government is over."
Man. I wish Joe would go back to his old job as the guy who played the dad in ALF...