Kos has some interesting reading about a poll taken by 50 Dem bigshots about candidate electability. Seems Dean garnered 46 out of 50, with two apiece for Clark and Edwards. Here's the funny part: among those polled were Lieberman's campaign manager, Kerry's campaign strategist, Gephardt's media consultant and many other supporters of candidates who received the big goose egg. See the actual report here.
While we're on the subject of Lieberman, let's stop with the crybaby antics of how Gore didn't call him before endorsing Dean. The pundit machine is spouting off about how rude it was - how shocking it was - how Lieberman deserved better treatment. And Lieberman is playing right into it with both feet and teary eyes.
Oh, boo hoo hoo.
Here we go again, needing to point out the obvious. Let's give you three reasons why Joe and everyone else should get over it:
1) It's politics. If your feelings are going to get hurt over ANYTHING, then close up the campaign, because you're not going to survive against the Bush thugs.
2) If you noticed Gore's stance on the war and social issues over the last six months and are shocked by his passing over Lieberman, then you're just not paying attention.
3) Joe essentially torpedoed his relevence in the 2000 campaign by performing horribly debating a then-politically powerless Dick Cheney. It can be argued that Gore was no great bargain in his debates either - but Lieberman just rolled over and allowed himself to be totally charmed over by Cheney's smirky bluster. Cheney ate him alive.
If you want a fourth reason, go back to the first paragraph. Your own people have doubts, Joe. Think about this over the weekend.