Take Back The Media has been publicly slimed by the Drudge Report over a two-year-old commercial on their site which documents the well-known ties between the Bush family and factions of Nazi Germany - in addition to the "Bush is Not a Nazi" submission to the MoveOn contest which started the whole "controversy." TBTM's Don Waller lays back some of the smack, and man, it feels great:
They are all afraid of liberals who stand up to them. Each and every one of them are scared to death of people like us.Go read the whole piece - it's brilliant. Then send Don a note of support. He's a good guy and he'll genuinely appreciate it.
[RNC head Ed] Gillespie has become accustomed to dealing with Beltway Democrats, who roll over and pee on themselves on his command to show how 'bi-partisan' they are. Gillespie is used to Democrats who go along to get along.
And he, and Drudge and York and all the slime in the swamp of right-Wing Hate Radio are all coming to the same realization - that people like us, and web sites like TBTM and MoveOn, are anything but pee-on-yourself Democrats. and it scares them like they've never been scared in their lives.
I'm sure that Ed and Byron [York of TNR] and Drudge, were they to read this, would cluck their tongues and shake their heads and make some remark about how uncivil and impolite and downright rude we are, and right on cue, they'd all be outraged and appalled and shocked. Like I said at the top of this article, they can dish it out, but they cannot take it. And where they have come to expect Democrats in the past to be remorseful and regretful and apologetic, Symbolman and I - and thousands of other like-minded sites and blogs - have a slightly different message instead.
We're fighting back this year. You won't go unchallenged any longer. We don't care how outraged or shocked or appalled you are, not any more.
To put it in terms you're more familiar with - get over it.