Friday, December 5

It'll Be The Only Coin That Charges 13.875% Interest

Conservatives want Reagan to replace FDR on U.S. dimes

Conservative Republicans angry over an unflattering television movie about Ronald Reagan want to put his image on the dime in place of Democratic icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Democrats are just as determined to keep FDR's profile in coin purses.
I always pull that magic 13.875% number out of my hat whenever anyone talks of the fabulous Reagan years. That's the interest I paid when I bought my first house in 1986 - right in the heart of the You-Know-Who administration.

Just part of his great legacy that a lot of people tend to forget. (No jokes please.)

All over being angry at a made-for-television movie. You can just picture future history books on this. "Reason for design change: Republicans got pissed off at James Brolin." And the wingnuts are calling US petty.