Friday, June 4

Oh Yeah...That Wacky Environmental Thing Again

Sherry Beall's "A Right To Know" Show on KPFK here in LA brought up a rather frightening deal today, spilling off the hills of the Simi Valley. Here's the info from her website:

In 1959, a nuclear reactor melted down at an Atomic Energy Commission nuclear facility in the hills above Chatsworth, Simi Valley, and Thousand Oaks. In December, US EPA said that cleanup of radioactive contamination at the site -- run by the Rocketdyne Division of Boeing for the AEC's successor agency the Department of Energy -- wasn't adequate to protect public health. Yet Boeing and DOE plan to release the site for unrestricted residential use. Kids could end up living on the strontium and cesium from the meltdown and other past accidents there.

UNLESS, SB 1456 by State Senator Sheila Kuehl passes. It simply would bar release of the site for residential use unless EPA says it is safe.

The bill passed the State Senate but faces a tough fight in the Assembly. Please, TODAY, contact your Assemblyperson in Sacramento and urge them to support SB 1456. You can find out who your Assemblyperson is by going to and click on "find my district." Once you know your Assemblyperson, click on her or his website, and you will get their voice and fax numbers.

If you call, ask that a message of support for the bill be written down. If you can, FAX a letter to them supporting the bill.