Kerry 50% (+4)
Bush 44% (-4)
Nader 2%
But the more telling part is that Bush now leads in one - and ONLY one - issue. Three guesses what that issue is. Yup - the one he's going to ride hard through the election. But check out Kerry's bounce on ALL the issues...
So again, the bounce off the concrete trampoline had Kerry up and Bush down. But on the issues, Bush is the big, big loser.
Trust Candidate on These Areas:Trust to Handle Now Pre-convention Net Change Health care Kerry +19 Kerry +3 Kerry +16 Terrorism Bush +3 Bush +18 Kerry +15 Iraq Kerry +2 Bush +12 Kerry +14 Taxes Kerry +6 Bush +6 Kerry +12 Education Kerry +13 Kerry +1 Kerry +12 Economy Kerry +11 Bush +1 Kerry +12 Health care Kerry +19 Kerry +3 Kerry +16 Int'l relations Kerry +9 NA NA Intelligence Kerry +5 NA NA