This ain't about SUVs or rewritten aid bills. This is about rogue nations with nukes, folks.
Bush: "I strongly believe we need to have a military presence in the Korea Peninsula, not only to keep the peace in Peninsula, but to keep regional stability. And I strongly believe we need to keep a presence in NATO." [Bush, 10/11/00]
Cheney: "In view of the dangers of nuclear proliferation in North Korea and the destabilizing impact on Northeast Asia - and as a result of our consultations - we have concluded that it would be unwise to proceed with major U.S. force reduction." [UPI, 11/21/91]
Bush: "America's Armed Forces abroad have essentially remained where the wars of the last century ended, in Europe and in Asia. America's current force posture was designed, for example, to protect us and our allies from Soviet aggression -- the threat no longer exists.
"Over the coming decade, we'll deploy a more agile and more flexible force, which means that more of our troops will be stationed and deployed from here at home. We'll move some of our troops and capabilities to new locations, so they can surge quickly to deal with unexpected threats. [Bush, 8/16/04]