Thursday, August 19

The Evolution of "Hardball"

Chris Matthews felt the wrath - and he's seeing the light. That's the light that makes the cockroaches jump for cover.

He ripped Larry Thurlow - the Swift Boat Liar - live on coast-to-coast cable news, forcing the bastard to admit he probably didn't know a plug spitball about Kerry's service in Vietnam. That was followed by the writer of the Washington Post story which outed Thurlow.

Next up was Max Cleland, who calls this campaign "worse" than the Willie Horton campaign of Bush I.

Here's the kicker: Matthews than announced that they asked members of the Bush camp to appear on the show, but they refused when they heard the show's lineup.


Now Chris is destroying - DESTROYING Michelle Malkin, a big-time Bush flavored Kool-Aid addict who's echoing the fairy tale that Kerry inflicted his war wounds himself. He damned near physically threw her out of the studio when she couldn't back it up, and closed out the segment saying comments like that won't ever be tolerated again.

Business is picking up today. Fast.

Read the transcript of this incredible show here. They wasted no time in posting it. And read Matthews' and Keith Olbermann's post-mortems here.