Well, they might find out firsthand...
Report: Bush Fails N.Y., Site of Republican Meet
A report by New York's Democratic representatives in Congress said that since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks by Islamic militants, Bush had left the state with inadequate protection and security efforts were underfunded.
"Republicans coming into town for the convention are going to be safe in spite of the Bush administration, not because of it," Congressman Anthony Weiner said in a statement released with the report. "Bush's actions fall far short of his rhetoric nationally and in the city."
The report, "Bush Misleads New York: A Four-Year Record of Failure," said the U.S. government had not provided enough money for counter-terrorism efforts in New York.
New York ranks 35th in per capita funding from the homeland security agency despite being the most populous city in the United States with eight million residents, and the place most frequently mentioned by security experts as a possible target for another attack by al Qaeda.