When this happens, wingnuts love to use the "AMBUSH!" defense - despite the fact that they belch out vicious bile about John Kerry to start the conversation. They're so cute when they do that.
She's still a two-bit hack.
I am used to playing hardball. I expect it. I am used to ad hominem attacks. I get more in a day than most of these wussies have received in their lifetimes. But what happened last night was pure slimeball and the unfair, unbalanced, and unhinged purveyors of journalism, or whatever it is they call what they do at MSNBC, should be ashamed.
What I take away from all this is that the Democrat Party waterboys in the media are in full desperation mode. I have now witnessed firsthand and up close (Matthews' spittle nearly hit me in the face) how the pressure from alternative media sources--the blogosphere, conservative Internet forums, talk radio, Regnery Publishing, FOX News, etc. --is driving these people absolutely batty.
Keep bringing it on.
Did she say, "Keep bringing it on"? You got it, Michelle! Strap yourself in, because this will not be too good for your TV career.
Let's start with your very own assertion here that your employer, Fox News, is part of a right-wing propaganda cabal, along with bloggers, "conservative Internet forums" (Freepers), and the obnoxious undisputed champ of far-right hate-spewing, Regnery Publishing. I'd call this an admission by a Fox News employee that her company does in fact have a hideously radical right wing bias.
Wow. How DID you get both feet AND both shoes stuck in your yammering yap, Michelle? Impressive.
Hit the bricks, sister. And go cry on Rupert Murdoch's shoulder when he cans your ass for opening Pandora's box in writing today.