Bob Dole - despite the fact that Clinton or his rapid response minions didn't go near Dole's military record or challenged his medals and Purple Hearts - decided he'd go after Kerry's.
Bob Dole - despite the fact that every ounce of tangible evidence refutes the claims of the Swift Boat Liars - decided he'd give them the benefit of the doubt.
Bob Dole - despite the fact that he's a military veteran who suffered near-fatal gunfire to his arm and back - decided he'd side with the guys who heard from friends of friends that maybe another soldier didn't deserve a Purple Heart...and moreover, with the president who went AWOL when it was his turn to serve.
Bob Dole has lost a lot of our respect.
DOLE SAYS THERE IS "SOME TRUTH" TO SWIFT BOAT CHARGES: On CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, former senator, Bob Dole said he thought there must be "some truth" to the charges of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and that Kerry "can't extricate himself because not every one of these people can be Republican liars."Yes, Bob Dole feels Kerry didn't get torn up enough in 'Nam. God help us all.
DOLE ON PURPLE HEARTS: "But what I will always quarrel about are the Purple Hearts. I mean, the first one, whether he ought to have a Purple Heart -- he got two in one day, I think. And he was out of there in less than four months, because three Purple Hearts and you're out. And as far as I know, he's never spent one day in the hospital. I don't think he draws any disability pay. He doesn't have any disability. And boasting about three Purple Hearts when you think of some of the people who really got shot up in Vietnam."