A few posts ago, we posted the odyssey of Chip, who like many of us was frustrated over not being able to get ahold of someone at the Kerry campaign with ideas and much-needed talking points.
Good news. Help came knocking on our inbox here at Hoffmania from none other than the Rapid Response Network. RRN was originally the rapid response arm of the Howard Dean campaign, and it heartens us to see them still doing the good work.
I'll let Liz, the National Editorial Director of RRN, do the talking.
Just wanted to let you know that while Kerry's RR team is still a bit of a mystery, Rapid Response Network (formerly Dean Rapid Response) has 1,800 members nationwide and we're growing. While we can't do what the campaign does, in some areas we can do more. We have groups in all 50 states who stand ready to write letters to the editors to correct errors, potentially in every little paper in every little town. We tend to write on specific articles that have error or bias in them, something a campaign can generally NOT do. We need more people willing to lead in some of the states so that each group can reach its potential.Liz, count us in. As I said before, we absolutely do not mind playing the bad cops if Kerry-Edwards deign to take the high road.
Hope you'll check us out and keep us in mind (and send folks like Chip our way... ) If you join up - join national and your state group - what state are you in, their activity level varies.
I asked Liz if anyone in RRN has access to the Kerry campaign. That was one of the great things about the Dean campaign - at least one person in all their offshoot groups had access to someone in the main camp. That's what we need for the rest of the trip to November 2nd - along with getting these points to ALL Democratic office holders (are you listening, Jane Harman?). Otherwise, we might just be pulling in two different directions. I'll let you guys know what I find out.
But the rest of what they outline here and at their site is something we should all look into and play a part.