Thursday, August 19

Schwarzkopf on Hardball

I saw this yesterday, and MSNBC has put the transcript up. Looks like the General is rethinking his endorsement of the Bush Boy.
MATTHEWS: Who are you voting for?


SCHWARZKOPF: I've-you know, I've...

MATTHEWS: Boy, would I love to know!

SCHWARZKOPF: I've always told you...

MATTHEWS: I'd love to know.

SCHWARZKOPF: I've always told you I'm an independent.

MATTHEWS: But you got to vote, you know? Is it going to be for Bush, Kerry, or Nader. I don't think it's Nader, so how about one of the other two?

SCHWARZKOPF: What's wrong with Nader? You don't like Nader?

MATTHEWS: I'm just - I don't think he's your man. I'm just - I'm trying to probe here, General. I'm just probing. No comment?

SCHWARZKOPF: Let me put it this way. You know, I'll know exactly who I'm voting for the day I pull the lever on that machine.