Something you said in "Wake up Mary Beth" really struck a nerve with me. I was having a conversation with a "Seemingly Normal" friend the other day and the conversation turn to the election. Wasn't it great when the conversation "Turned to Sex?A lot of us feel your frustration, Chip. Outside of venting online and hoping beyond hope that someone - ANYONE at the campaign might log on and read this, we really have a hard time reaching the campaign. That's why we need a 24/7 open-to-the-public rapid response team, all fielding calls and/or emails from us - although I'm not sure how you'd anti-Freeper the system. Hello, Symantec?
Ahhh, the good old days! Before I digress further, my friend said "I ain't votin for that flip floppin mother f***er Kerry, I'll tell ya that."
It took me about 5 minutes to make him see the light as he is an upper middle class, married (to a woman) guy with 2 young children. However, my point is, this person had no basis to make this statement. It is just what he was led to believe. This person along with about 95% of the citizens of the USA, have no reason to even consider voting for GWB.
I have attempted to contact many people in the Kerry campaign and have received nothing but the automated replys.
Who can I contact directly that will listen to what I have to say about how to win this election? If we don't get the message out soon about who John Kerry is and who GWB really is, we are in a world of shit.
If anyone from the Kerry campaign is tuning in, I'll volunteer to be a conduit between my readers and you guys to let you know what I'm hearing. Write to me. I'm here. I'd love to be part of the rapid response team. The price is right, I'm a really good guy and I'm nice to animals and kids.
I'm not holding my breath, but if something does come of this, I'll post it here.