I hear a lot of people saying they're not feeling terribly patriotic this year. Kinda sad, I know - but I understand the feeling. And we're living in a country that allows us (and sometimes causes us) to feel that way. But a lot of folks sure seem determined to make us try to feel guilty about being critical of our homeland. They'll label us as "America Haters" - or some other ugly figment of their imaginations.
If I can be so bold as to speak for myself, thank you - I'm an American. Politically, I'm what some would call a "lib'rul." I'm a third generation patriotic ground-kissin' vote-in-every-election citizen of the United States. Grateful to be here - thankful for everyone who made sacrifices, gave me breaks and let me prove myself to be where I am today. I speak my mind and hopefully you'll understand that I come from an America that isn't as dark and intolerant as it seems today.
You hear those who say that just as we have the right to criticize our government, they in turn - and correctly so - have the right to respond. But when the response is abusive and perjorative, you've slammed the door on any discourse and you've shut down the conversation (can you say "Dixie Chicks"?). America's better than that, folks.
I'll be celebrating the Fourth of July with the rest of my countryfolk. I'll watch the fireworks. I'll display my country's flag. Not because of party affiliation. Not because I agree in lockstep with our government. And not because I'm feeling pressured to do so by the conservative talking heads.
I'll do it strictly because I'm an American. I'm damned proud of it. And nobody - NOBODY - will tell me otherwise without a fight.