Monday, September 22

Why Right Wing Talk Shows Are In A Panic Today

Keep in mind there's a margin of error of 3% here, so yeah - the neocons are in a mild state of horror. Dean and Clark (as well as Kerry and Lieberman) are in a virtual dead heat with the Rove administration!

USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll results

If retired General Wesley Clark were the Democratic Party's candidate and George W. Bush were the Republican Party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for — Wesley Clark, the Democrat or George W. Bush, the Republican?

Among registered voters nationwide:
Wesley Clark 49%
George W. Bush 46%

If former Vermont Governor Howard Dean were the Democratic Party's candidate and George W. Bush were the Republican Party's candidate, who would you be more likely to vote for — Howard Dean, the Democrat or George W. Bush, the Republican?

Among registered voters nationwide:
Howard Dean 46%
George W. Bush 49%