Bush's Cash Edge Over Kerry NarrowsThere's more. You guys are coming through big time online. The story also notes:
President Bush's once-insurmountable cash advantage over Democratic rival John F. Kerry has dwindled in the wake of record spending by Bush and unexpected fundraising success by Kerry, according to figures provided by the campaigns Thursday.
Although Bush's reelection campaign is continuing to shatter fundraising records - it passed the $200-million mark in April - Kerry has raised $32 million more than the president in the last two months. He has now collected $115 million.
The president's campaign has spent $130 million, more than all the money Kerry, a senator from Massachusetts, has raised since he announced his candidacy. Bush has spent so much of his money - $80 million in March and April - that the gap in cash available to the two candidates has been significantly narrowed.
Presidential election fundraisingKerry's definitely got the edge when it comes to handling money...the difference between a war hero and a cokehead.
George W. Bush
Total raised: $200 million
Cash on hand: $71.6 million
Total raised in April: $15.6 million
Total spent in April: $30 million
Total raised through direct mail/phone in April: $10.9 million
Total raised online in April: $900,000
John F. Kerry
Total raised: $115 million
Cash on hand: $28 million
Total raised in April: $30.9 million
Total spent in April: About $33 million
Total raised through direct mail in April: $10 million
Total raised online in April: $8.3 million
Come on. Join the party.

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