...and a long forgotten one at that? We're talking about media that are neither liberal or conservative - but CRITICAL.
Y'see, youngsters, this is what journalism used to be. Dig and dig for the truth. If innuendo lands on your desk, you ask the source to PROVE IT or you're not going to bother with it. And if it goes out on your medium by a third party, make them prove it right then and there instead of nodding with scandalous interest.
Chris Matthews is doing it. Keith Olbermann is doing it. Even Joe Scarborough is on board lately.
I don't have proof, so don't ambush me - but it sure looks like SOMEONE at NBC News has put out a memo. You can almost hear it being typed out on an old Underwood typewriter by a palooka with his sleeves rolled up and a cigarette dangling from his lips.
"Get back to the basics. Question the rumors. Don't take anything as gospel truth. Don't let guests throw verbal hand grenades into our network airwaves without return fire. Get the story, and get it right - or don't let it get on the air at all."
It almost appears that the managing editor - or whoever - saw "Outfoxed," and what an indictment it was to the entirety of network news today. Whoever this person is may have removed the blinders, cut the follow-the-leader rope and is now performing a groundbreaking ceremony to build a trail of no-bullshit news and discussion.
It's only theory admittedly based on just a few days. But if this is what MSNBC will be doing from this point forward, they're going to have me as a loyal viewer. As reader notbushcity wrote: "We don't need liberal media. We need critical media (with memories, rhetorical deconstruction and cross-examination skills)."
If anyone at NBC News is looking in - you have our green light.