Saturday, August 21

When Bloggers Do What Journalists are Too Lazy to Do

In case it got past your radar, Digby did a little digging and scratching and found what seems to be the ultimate illegal tie between the Bush campaign and the Swift Boat Liars. Did you see this in any legit news source? I'll answer that for you: nope.

Good work, Dig. If you haven't sent your post to the Hardball folks, we did. Chris'll be back Monday and he might like to have this info.
Nothing To See Here

I wonder if its appropriate for Ken Cordier, a member of the Veterans For Bush-Cheney '04 steering committee to appear in the new "unaffiliated" "independent" 527 Swift Boat Liars For Bush ad?

Of course you will only see his name if you google the cached version (linked above) of the page on the Bush-Cheney web site. Oddly, the current page doesn't list his name.

Now I'm certain this fine gentleman who has chosen to sell out his good name and reputation by joining a filthy smear operaton like Scumbag Liars For Bush would never coordinate with the campaign just because he also served as one of the Vice-Chairs Of Veterans For Bush-Cheney National Coalition in the 2000 camapign (pdf) and then was named to Bush's VA-POW advisory committee.

But some might think it doesn't look quite kosher. In fact, some might think it looks downright illegal.


The campaign is already on to this and has sent out the following press release. What they didn't have, however, was this Google cache which shows that Cordier was listed as a member of the Bush-Cheney campaign until August 19th. (And, by the way, in case it's escaped anyone's notice, Mr Cordier has a Frenchman in the woodpile.)
Click on the "Nothing To See Here" to read the entire post. It'll save you money on a perm - that's how hair-curling it is.