Thursday, August 12

Jon Stewart on a Mission

Man, he's been relentless on Bob Novak on The Daily Show this week. It began Tuesday when Stewart - reminding us that Novak outed CIA agent Valerie Plame - quoted Novak's column which suggested we should take the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush Truth, er, seriously...citing this gem from the final paragraph:
Unfit for Command sends a devastating message, unless effectively refuted.
Stewart exploded, "Because in this country, when a scurrilous charge is made against you by people, you're guilty unless you prove otherwise! That's how it works! So kudos, Bob Novak! You truly are a Douchebag of Liberty!"

Every night since then, he's taken shots at Novak, obviously trying to keep the Plame situation top of mind.

Kudos, Jon Stewart! You truly are a bag of quarters to the head of jackasses!