Wednesday, August 11

O'Brien: GOP Running from "Conservative"

The GOP Shifts Left
Michael O'Brien for Hoffmania

WASHINGTON, DC - Do you notice that the Democratic convention had speakers that represented the party's far left -- e.g. Teddy Kennedy. They let Howard Dean, Dennis Kucinich, and even Al Sharpton speak in prime-time. Someone who didn't know better would think that the Democratic party was further left than it actually is. And yet, for the most part, people accepted this.

Now look at the GOP convention. Are they having Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, and Danny Hastert speak? How about Mitch Mcconnell, James (I'm outraged by the outrage over Abu Ghraib) Inhofe, Rick Santorum? Perhaps party cheerleader Rush Limbaugh? Of course not. They had to round up people like Rudy Giuliani, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg and Schwarzenegger are pro-gay rights, Bloomberg is anti-death penalty, and they are all pro-choice, pro-gun control, etc. Other than our wingnut president and VP, John McCain is the most died-in-the-wool conservative they have speaking!

If the GOP truly represents American values, then why do they refuse to put their prominent leaders at the podium? Why don't they have Rick Santorum do one of his anti-gay tirades where he claims that gay marriage will increase out-of-wedlock births? Or have Rush Limbaugh argue that Abu Ghraib was no different than fraternity hazing? Why do they have to get speakers who's stances are at odds with the GOP platform?

I know that 'liberal' is a bad word, but they sure seem to be running from 'conservative'.