Monday, September 1

Want To Sell A Failed Book? Rewrite It And Blame Clinton!

Welcome Conason, Eschaton and Buzzflash Readers

Surprise! Looks like the right is ready to fire a huge salvo against...Bill Clinton. According to Drudge*, a book by one Richard Miniter is going to try to prove how Clinton's failures and twiddling Monica let bin Laden rise to power yada yada yada.

This book is titled "Losing Bin Laden - How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terrorism". It's 256 pages. It's being released in September. It's a pretty sensationalistic (and almost libelous) title.

And it looks like a re-marketed release of a failed first attempt.

In addition to "Losing," Amazon also lists another book on the same topic by Miniter. This one was supposed to have been published by Simon and Schuster last January. It was also 256 pages. And it was titled, "The Duel: Clinton and Bin Laden's Secret War."

Doesn't really appeal to your inner wingnut, does it? Anyway, it appears "Duel" never got off the launchpad for reasons I can't find over a holiday weekend.

So you've got to wonder if the new angle on "Losing Bin Laden" was Miniter's original vision - or if he's retooled it for the Coulter Kids. Then you see the nutbag books pooted out to the public by his new publisher, and it becomes crystal clear. Caveat emptor and all that.

ADDENDUM - Atrios again waxes astute with this question: "But, regardless of the failures of the Clinton administration - real, imagined, or simply made up - the question is, what did the Bush administration do?"

*ADDENDUM II - Leave it my Bonnie to uncover Drudge's intelligence gathering technique. His point-by-point synposis in his "flash" - prefaced by the declaration "only the DRUDGE REPORT can present an exclusive first look" - is nothing more than stealing the same points from - then paraphrasing - the wingnut publisher's online hype. Doesn't even give 'em credit. Busted.

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