Two more reasons he shouldn't run the country. From the Washington Times...and it amazes me they are so in attack mode that they don't realize how scary all this looks.
President Bush is resolved not to repeat what he thinks were the two fundamental blunders of his father's one-term presidency: abandoning Iraq and failing to vanquish the Democrats.Yeah. A real riot. Great campaign you guys are mounting.
In one of several exclusive interviews with The Washington Times, Mr. Bush said his father had "cut and run early" from Iraq in 1991.
Mr. Bush also said Sen. John Kerry would "regret" disparaging the U.S.-led coalition that liberated Iraq, promising to use the Massachusetts Democrat's words against him in the election campaign. [...]
White House political strategist Karl Rove, in one of the lengthy interviews with The Times granted by senior administration officials, also detailed how the Bush campaign intends to paint Mr. Kerry as a condescending elitist, who is pro-tax, weak on defense and on the wrong side in the culture wars.
White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. described Mr. Kerry as a John F. Kennedy "wannabe," who lacks the mettle to be president. Mr. Card, who also worked for the first President Bush, said when it comes to running for re-election, the son is much more engaged and far less complacent than the father.
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of State Colin L. Powell predicted disaster for anyone who "misunderestimates" the president.
Miss Rice said she and other senior advisers still laugh over that quintessential "Bushism," which their boss famously coined on the eve of the election that made him president.
Meanwhile, with all these attack dogs completely negging-out against Kerry (simply because they have nothing else to run on), they're still in a virtual tie with him in the polls - with Zogby predicting a Kerry win (see next post).
Political geniuses? The big decision they should be making is where they'll go for coffee after they vacate on January 20th.