From this morning's L.A. Times, a "Counterpunch" article bitching about the lib'rul Daily Show...
...As Patrick Goldstein's fawning profile of "The Daily Show's" Jon Stewart points out ("Politics on a Skewer," April 27), for much of his life the comic was admittedly ignorant about the world beyond show business.In spite of not being a fan and hurting to watch, Jim Bass takes a microcosm of the show and runs with it:.
Then after the 2000 election, he and his writers "got religion" and took it upon themselves to start sharing their wisdom. What a shame.
Until then, I was a huge fan of "The Daily Show," going out of my way to recommend it to friends. But then the unrelenting Bush jokes began. Rarely funny, they were variations on "Bush is a moron" and "Bush is an uncouth, corrupt moron." It hurt to watch a once-funny show laid low by its own pretensions.
Stewart's supposed brilliance was essentially to reiterate Ben-Veniste's play but with added eye rolls and pregnant pauses. Yeah, brilliant.Spare me. You mean there's not enough of good ol' conservatism on basic cable - or more specifically, not enough for your liking? Even more specifically, a half hour outpost of admittedly fake news is too much liberalism for Jim here.
A brilliant satirist might have pointed out that Rice had already testified for four hours to the commission, but that only five of the 10 commissioners had bothered to show up at that time. [...]
But then Stewart might not have been able to book 9/11 commissioner Bob Kerrey as a guest the night before Bush and Cheney's joint testimony to the commission. (Having serious players as guests surely stokes Stewart's sense of self-importance.) [...]
Since liberals espouse diversity, it's fair to ask why they can't open their minds to the notion that another viewpoint might hold merit. Many would strain to understand the position of a murderous jihadist but wouldn't spare five minutes to hear out the conservative living next door.
It's also painfully obvious that Bass missed many liberal episodes of The Daily Show in recent nights with such left-wing nutbags as Karen Hughes, Ed Gillespie, Bill Kristol - and the pain of watching will force Jim to miss John McCain tonight.
Lighten up. At least these people did.