Friday, May 14

It's Praying Time Again!

Yes, time again to bow your heads, brothers and sisters - because President Cokesnort is playing the only card he has left. God. The All Mighty. Godiddly Od. The Godster. God-a-rama.

Bush to focus on religion in day's Midwest events

WASHINGTON (AP) - Trying to showcase the softer side of his political agenda while banking more money for the Republican Party, President Bush is highlighting religion-oriented initiatives aimed at helping the poor.

Appearing at Concordia University in Mequon, Wis., the largest Lutheran university in North America, the president will speak to the obligation of individuals to help make the country a better place and a more compassionate society, and he will detail the role he feels the government should play in those efforts, White House aides say.

Bush's push to expand the role of churches and religious charities in government programs is a cornerstone of his "compassionate conservative" agenda, but it has caused controversy in Congress from the start. Opponents worry that government would wind up paying for religion.

When Bush's religious initiative stalled in Congress, he began sidestepping lawmakers with executive orders and regulations to give religious organizations equal footing in competing for federal contracts. The president has called for legislation that would give religious groups access to federal funds as long as their services are available to anyone.
I don't know about George's God, but my God is getting a little tired of all this.