Friday, May 14

Thanks For Nothing, Daily Mirror

I'm not sure what possesses people to do the things they do - whether it's abuse toward war detainees or making front page news of a fake soldier urinating on a fake prisoner. It's sloppy journalism and it apparently knows no borders.

U.K. tabloid admits Iraq abuse photos fake

LONDON - The editor of Britain's Daily Mirror tabloid newspaper resigned Friday and the paper apologized after admitting that pictures it ran showing U.K. troops abusing Iraqi prisoners were fakes.

"The Daily Mirror published in good faith photographs which it absolutely believed were genuine images of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi prisoner," the newspaper said.

"There is now sufficient evidence to suggest that these pictures are fakes and that the Daily Mirror has been the subject of a calculated and malicious hoax."

Editor Piers Morgan resigned, effective immediately, the newspaper said in a statement, noting that it would be "inappropriate" for him to continue in the job.

The resignation comes a day after the Armed Forces Minister Adam Ingram told the House of Commons that the pictures "were categorically not taken in Iraq."

He said a truck seen in the photographs was never used in the country.