Meanwhile, John Kerry is considering bolstering his current campaign strategy by possibly lifting a finger. Amazing how he kicked back and let the Crackheads implode all by themselves.Bush Ratings Fall Amid Iraq Woes
President Bush's overall approval rating has fallen to the lowest level of his presidency, 44 percent, in the latest CBS News poll, reflecting the weight of instability in Iraq on public opinion, despite signs of improvement in the economy.
Two weeks ago, 46 percent of Americans approved of the job President Bush was doing. On April 9, his approval rating was 51 percent.
American's opinion of Mr. Bush's handling of the economy is also at an all-time low, 34 percent, while 60 percent disapprove, also a high of the Bush presidency. [...]
"The numbers are bad news. It's a sign of ineffective performance of the military and hence the administration in Iraq. It will depend on how these things play out at the time of the election," [professor of American politics and public opinion at Columbia University Robert] Shapiro said.
For a president running for reelection, the poll numbers illustrate that even if the economy continues to improve, Americans may judge President Bush on the war that he admits he staked his presidency on.
"If American causalities continue without any change in stability occurring in Iraq, in other words if things go as they continue to go with U.S. causalities heavy and U.S. current involvement and lack of success in getting us out, that's going hurt the administration," Shapiro added.
The question consuming the Bush-Cheney campaign is whether the situation in Iraq could not just hurt the administration, but end it.
Wednesday, May 12
What $90 Million Worth Of Campaigning Buys
How can he POSSIBLY handle the economy? He blew $90 million to shore up his image and here's the result.