Sen. Jim Talent (R - Missouri) at today's prison abuse hearings decided to use the opening moments of his turn to do what a lot of Republicans do best - do a little Clinton bashing when things look bad for themselves. Just before I left the door for work, I heard him describe how the administration through the '90s gutted the military - saying something to the effect of keeping the tip of the sword sharp while letting the rest of it rust.
He went on to blame his neighbors "across Pennsylvania Avenue" for the shoddy training and sub-standard quality of military personnel which no doubt created the scandal we see before us today.
Shut up, Jim.
Of course we now know that the military cuts of the '90s were thrown into play by Rumsfeld himself under Bush 41. See, the wingnuts in Washington seem to conveeeeniently forget that their guys had the White House from '90 to January '93, and the senate after '94. But don't let that get in the way of a good misleading grandstanding monologue. Jackass.