Throughout today's Inside Politics, Judy Woodruff and company trumpeted the just-released Time Magazine poll showing Bush with an 11-point lead over Kerry. She asked Mary Beth Cahill about it, sternly asking "Are you upset about this development, obviously Bush has a big bounce out of their convention," and she probably mentioned the poll about 6 times within the hour.Those liberal media. Rove just can't let them go and do that.
Well, right before the sign-off, they cut back to Woodruff, who obviously thought she was off camera. And she's talking to someone (unseen), and she says this:
"She said it was an outlier, there's another poll out today that shows them tied."
Then the Cryptkeeper came to her senses, realized she was on camera, and froze, looking into the lens like a President reading a children's book about a goat.
Friday, September 3
Judy Woodruff Busted!
From a diary at dKos: