Tuesday, September 7

Mail from James Carville

Some days ago, the DNC sent out an 8x10 photo of Kerry and Edwards to contributors. Thy were "personalized" with autographs and the whole deal. I got two.

Today, the same contributors got another email, this time from James Carville. The envelope proclaimed, "They sent you the wrong photo." I can't find the exact pic he sent, but the one I found is from the same day he refers to. Pretty funny - and chilling - stuff:
Dear Friend,

Not long ago, the DNC sent you a beautiful "suitable for framing" photo of John Kerry and John Edwards.

That's all well and good. They're our leaders and we've got a lot riding on them in this election.

Still, maybe it's just my contrary nature, but I told the folks at the DNC I think they sent you the wrong picture. So they told me I can send you another one.

Check it out. It's George W. Bush and Dick Cheney celebrating their first Inauguration in 2001. Look at it closely - because if we don't pour our hearts and souls into the final nine weeks of this campaign - you're staring at America's future.

It's an ugly picture - and trust me, with a mug like mine, I'm not talking about George Bush's or Dick Cheney's personal appearance.

Look how much they're smiling in 2001. We'll never be able to wipe the grins off their faces if, this year, they actually win a presidential election fair and square.

And we'll never be able to undo the damage they will cause with four more years to stack the courts, destroy the environment, tilt the economy in favor of the rich and, as Hillary Clinton puts it, "create an America that we won't even recognize."

Losing the election to George Bush means setting him, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld and the rest of that bunch loose, undermining everything we care about. And they will act with the freedom of knowing George Bush will never have to face the voters again.
Bottom line: Contribute. Now. Nine (now closer to eight) weeks go by too damned fast. Pick one, but do it.