The choice in this election couldn't be more clear. Do we want four more years of lost jobs and falling wages ... four more years of rising health care costs - four more years of raiding Social Security to give tax cuts to the wealthy - four more years of schools being shortchanged, leaving millions of children behind - four more years of shipping jobs overseas and replacing them with jobs that pay you less - four more years of a go-it-alone foreign policy. If you do, then you should vote for George W. Bush.
But if you want health care for all Americans. If you want schools that work. If you want jobs that pay you more money. If you want Social Security that's there for the future. Then we need to move America in a new direction and that's the choice in this election.
Of all George Bush's wrong choices, the most catastrophic one is the mess in Iraq. It's not that I would have done one thing differently in Iraq, I would have done everything differently. It was wrong to rush to war without a plan to win the peace. It was wrong not to build a strong international coalition of our allies. And it was wrong to put our young men and women into harm's way without the equipment and body armor protect themselves and get the job done.
It was wrong for America to go it alone. And now every American is paying the price. Almost all the casualties are the sons and daughters of America. And nearly 90 percent of the cost is coming out of your pocket. The price-tag so far: $200 billion and rising every day. That's $200 billion we're not investing in health care and education. That's $200 billion we're not investing to make sure no child is left behind. That's $200 billion we're not investing in new and better jobs.
That's $200 billion we're not investing in homeland security, to protect our airports, our subways, our bridges and tunnels. That's W and that's wrong. Wrong choices, wrong direction. In fact, there's nothing right about it.
Amazingly, his own Labor Secretary says that what's happening to America is "something to celebrate." What are they celebrating? 1.6 million lost jobs? Well, I don't know about you, but the America I believe in doesn't celebrate when people aren't earning enough to pay their bills - when they don't have any health care or benefits - when they're working so hard that they can't even have dinner with their families, or tuck their kids into bed at night. This isn't that complicated. You don't celebrate when you lose good jobs. You celebrate when you create them.
So this election comes down to a fundamental choice: if you believe that this country is heading in the right direction, you should support George Bush. But if you believe a vote for W is a vote for wrong choices and the wrong direction, then join with us. If you believe we need good jobs, health care for all, energy independence, and a smarter plan for Iraq, then stand with us to move America in a new direction.
Together, we can build an America that's stronger at home and respected in the world.
Monday, September 6
Tomorrow, We Hope He Aims Lower
Kerry aimed for Bush's head today. LINK