The Pimpernel:
Here're my picks from the lot: (in no particular order...)
I miss peace and prosperity.
In your guts you know he's nuts.
No surplus left behind.
Name one thing he's done right.
Who's gonna pay for this? Ask your kids.
I think out of all of these, I like "Name one thing he's done right." the best.
We like those, too. And a couple more:
KILL IRAQIS. CUT TAXES. VACATION. REPEAT.Nancy added this notation to the comments of our contest post: "Thank you for putting this question to everyone. I come here to read the new ones and laugh - all of these are winners! Would not it be wonderful to start seeing some of these hand made signs everywhere across the U.S.A. - a true grassroots effort."
Bush: No flip. All flop.
You were all sensational as usual. But most importantly, we proved we can draw triple-digits in the comments. Take THAT, Atrios!
(Yeah, right - he gets 450 comments just for his famous short "Oy" posts...)
So we'll decide on a winner here, and that idea will get drawn up, posted and photographed by Scarlet. He invited me to come along and witness, which I might do if this week wasn't so nuts for me. But he wants everyone to know how easy it is to pull off. So Nancy - maybe he has started something!
He has a new one which he's putting up today, and it's gooood!
More later...