Friday, September 3

Wow - THREE Piles of Bullcrap in One Story

Follow along.
1) President Bush's re-election campaign this week will appoint Bush family confidant James Baker to negotiate the details of campaign debates between Bush and Democrat John Kerry, Republican officials said on Wednesday.

Kerry's campaign has already designated Washington power broker Vernon Jordan as its lead debate negotiator.

2) Republicans expected the Bush campaign to push for two presidential debates and a vice presidential debate.

"Two debates are sufficient and will not dominate the entire fall schedule. Three debates would have a tendency to be a little overbearing on your campaign strategy and tactics," said Republican strategist Scott Reed.

3) Bush advisers have attempted to lower expectations for Bush in the televised face-offs, describing Kerry as a skilled debater. They used a similar tactic in 2000 and Bush was seen as the winner of debates with Democrat Al Gore.
James Baker. Two debates instead of three. Low expectations for this "experienced leader" by his own people.

America. It doesn't get any lower than this.