GAROFALO: Tucker, you're deliberately misunderstanding what he is saying.
CARLSON: The Bush administration is mean and no one likes them because they're a bully. Let's have an adult conversation here.
GAROFALO: No, don't marginalize what he just said.
CARLSON: That would be hard.
GAROFALO: First of all, this administration has been nothing but condescending, nothing but belligerent, nothing but obnoxious, in every way.
CARLSON: You're arguing about attitude.
GAROFALO: Diplomacy is an art form. Diplomacy has been ruined. The axis of evil speech is so responsible for so much of this mess.
GAROFALO: There was an opportunity to handle this completely differently. And the axis of evil speech was one of the biggest bonehead blunders in
GAROFALO: It was a terrible speech.
ANDREWS: Let me understand. You think it would be a better and safer world now if Saddam Hussein was still ruling out of his palaces and if Osama bin Laden was still ruling in Kabul.
GAROFALO: And, yes, we would be safer and the Mideast would be more stable. And I'm saying he was a completely half-assed dictator.
She's stealing the show. No wonder the right hates her. Tune in this week at the ridiculous time (it should be on during their horridly-rated evening hours) of 4:30pm ET, 1:30 PT on CNN.