Sunday, March 21

Watch, Tape, TiVo, Peek Into A Neighbor's Window To See "60 Minutes" Tonight

That's an order.

UPDATE: Just watched the east coast feed. It's even more chilling than what we've been reading. Richard Clarke puts forth an amazing (and thoroughly convincing) indictment of Bush and his gang of thugs while Steven Hadley comes off as a bald-faced liar and just another criminal in the White House. Lesley Stahl (despite her perpetuating some White House rhetoric) absolutely nailed Hadley with the evidence. He reacts with the classic furrowed-brow Bush Cartel sputter - much like Rumsfeld's appearance on CBS last week.

No wonder the feds are ganging up on Mel Karmazin...his network keeps making them look like the jackasses they are. Keep it up, CBS. Keep it up. Your bravery is duly noted.

Order Clarke's book now and save 30%. It drops tomorrow.