Monday, September 6

Kerry Impresses MSNBC Despite Bushmucks

What's sad is that we really WANT to attempt a dialogue with these boneheads, but they want no part of anything we have to say. Kerry got the message across nonetheless, and it was noticed by Becky Diamond at MSNBC's Hardblogger. And since it's promoted heavily by Chris Matthews and the rest of the MSNBC programs, yes - the buttheads are shown for America to see.

LINK - This was the most polarized event I have seen on the trail with supporter of President Bush yelling throughout Senator Kerry's speech and the candidate's supporters shouting back and the candidate hitting back on the stump. There were approximately fifty Bush supporters, including a very vocal group of about ten who were drinking lots of Busch beer. Senator Kerry stayed on message and delivered a short and focused speech, taking questions instead of talking endlessly to the crowd.

The senator was interrupted with chants of "four more years" from Bush supporters. He told the crowd, "if you want four more years of your wages falling of social security trust funds raided in order to give tax cuts to the wealthiest people... schools shortchanged... if you want four more years of losing jobs overseas and replacing them with jobs that pay 9,000 less for the jobs you had before than you should go vote for George Bush."

The Bush supporters did not let up shouting while an elderly woman who had several throat surgeries tried to tell her tale, prompting Senator Kerry to say to the cameras and the crowd, "While the Bush people were rudely shouting...a 70-year old woman was trying to tell the story of how she has to go out and work because she needs to take pills."

A Bush supporter yelled "Where is your swift boat?"

The senator was more on message than I have seen him recently. His comments were simple and focused. His last line has improved greatly— going from convoluted to clear and concise. "This race is about the last four years and the next four years. This race is about the choices that George Bush has made...and has taken America backwards on the economy, on the environment...they've made the wrong choices, they're moving in the wrong direction. ...we need to turn America around and move in the right direction."
So despite the Bushmucks being jackassy and all, Kerry got his message to the media and the media are impressed. It's hard for Bush to be proud of what his base is drinking and doing.

And I offer "Bushmucks" to the public domain. Go use it at will.