Cheney decided to slime both Presidents Clinton and Reagan to make his little Bush hand puppet look huge. Ooookay.
LINK - Speaking at the Minnesota State Fair with about 200 supporters, Mr. Cheney sought to portray President Bush as triumphing over economic and national security burdens inherited from previous administrations.
He blamed the Clinton and Reagan administrations for teaching terrorists that "they could strike us with relative impunity" and that "if they hit us hard enough, they could change our policy." Mr. Cheney cited the attack on United States Marines barracks in Beirut in 1983, in the first Reagan term, along with the 1993 killings of American soldiers in Somalia, a 1996 truck bombing at a housing complex in Saudi Arabia where many Americans lived, the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in East Africa and the attack on the destroyer Cole in Yemen in 2000.