From the Native American Times:
Rush Limbaugh apparently still suffering from the effects of his addiction to painkillers chose to talk today about the going-ons at NCAI. Limbaugh adjusted his chair to stimulate his brain waves and then his lips moved. Rush theorized that Democratic Presidential candidates got down on their knees to ask for casino money from rich tribes. Limbaugh needs to go to a 12 step program on lying.And Mary Mitchell of the Sun-Times chimes in:
Now that he's been in the valley, would he use his power to help pull others out?
Of course not.
Why should he? He's doing just fine. He still has his radio show. He still has his $24 million oceanfront mansion. He still ranks right up there with 1 percent of the wage earners in this country.
Is he a hypocrite? Probably not, because addicts don't see themselves as addicts.
As any addict would tell you, when people are abusing drugs, they are always hiding their real selves. How would I know that? Well, to be honest, I've dealt with enough addicts in my own family to know their moves. There's not much difference between addicts who snort, shoot up or pop pills, although many of us would like to see it that way.
All addicts are notorious liars. They have to be in order to hide their sickness from people who care about them -- not to mention those who don't give a darn.
Accusers claim Limbaugh used his former maid as a drug mule to make his buys. If that's true, he should be treated like other small-time drug dealers. Maybe after he gets out of prison, listeners would really see a changed man.
Palm Beach County officials have said that Limbaugh's drug use is still under investigation, and fair-minded people in that town ought to make sure those officials don't flush the toilet on this one.
I don't expect Limbaugh to come clean about how he acquired illegal drugs for eight years, but police officials should go after this drug conspiracy as aggressively as they go after other drug conspiracies.
And I don't expect Limbaugh to change his tune. Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's daughter was arrested for obtaining anti-anxiety drugs, and the governor didn't jump on the reform bandwagon, either. When it comes to narcotics, the punishment never seems to be as harsh for the rich and prominent as it is for the poor and powerless.