Thursday, March 11

This Makes No Sense

Kinda makes you lose what little faith you had in polls...

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). March 6-8, 2004. N=1,018 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.

"If the next election for president were held today, and George W. Bush were running as the Republican candidate and John Kerry were the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote?"

Bush: 47%
Kerry: 45%

"If the next election for president were held today, and George W. Bush were running as the Republican candidate, John Kerry were running as the Democratic candidate, and Ralph Nader were running as an independent candidate, for whom would you vote?"

Bush: 45%
Kerry: 43%
Nader: 5%
Nader would draw from as many Republicans as Democrats? Leave your theories here...