Tuesday, July 6

Let's Light This Rocket

Okay, so forget about the fiddle playing two posts down. I got the e-mail at 5:20 PT this morning, a scant few minutes before the official announcement and a scant hour and fifteen minutes before I got my crack out of the sack. Loved that e-mail idea.
I want you to know why I'm excited about running for president with John Edwards by my side. John understands and defends the values of America. He has shown courage and conviction as a champion for middle class Americans and those struggling to reach the middle class. In the Senate, he worked to reform our intelligence, to combat bioterrorism, and keep our military strong. John reaches across party lines and speaks to the heart of America -- hope and optimism. Throughout his own campaign for President, John spoke about the great divide in this country -- the "Two Americas" -- that exist between those who are doing well today and those that are struggling to make it from day to day. And I am so proud that we're going to build one America together.

In the next 120 days and in the administration that follows, John Edwards and I will be fighting for the America we love. We'll be fighting to give the middle class a voice by providing good paying jobs and affordable health care. We'll be fighting to make America energy independent. We'll be fighting to build a strong military and lead strong alliances, so young Americans are never put in harm's way because we insisted on going it alone.

I can't tell you how proud I am to have John Edwards on my team, or how eager I am for the day this fall when he stands up for our vision and goes toe-to-toe with Dick Cheney.
We're very happy with this decision as well. Edwards has the charisma, vision, youth, compassion and the ability to see all sides of any issue from his experience as an attorney (or as the wingnuts will keep reminding you, "a trial lawyer" - which somehow is more evil than a kneejerk religious zealot in their view).

Of all Kerry's options, the rest of the field is more suited for other posts in a Kerry White House. You've heard many of them already. Gephardt, Secretary of Labor. Clark, Secretary of State. Dean, Secretary of Keeping Everyone Democratic. Edwards was the only logical choice. I'm sure Joe Lieberman is sitting at home crying over how Kerry didn't have the courtesy to call him before making his decision. Maybe you can get a spot at the RNC after Zell Miller speaks, Joe.

Then there's the noise we'll hear from the Bush Disinformation Factory about how Kerry and Edwards were in disagreement over a lot of issues during the primaries. Our response is simply two words: F--- Yourself. No, that's not it. Two words: John McCain. Their new TV spot shows this guy they abused in the 2000 campaign groveling at the feet of President Crackhead. End of argument.

By the way, the webmasters at Camp Kerry were probably working all night to get the Edwards info posted by this morning.

We have a ticket. Let's take the White House from these international war criminals. SOMEONE'S got to mop up this mess, and it's ain't gonna be Preznit Flightsuit and the Sneering Snotbag. Coming to Adult Swim January 21st.

Go, John. You too, John. The sleeves are rolled up. Let's do this.