Monday, July 5

Take Back the Flag

I put it on our masthead for the Fourth, but I like it there so much, I'm keeping it there. It's time for all of us to show it belongs to all of us, not just the sneering snarling wingnuts who think they're more American than the majority of America.

Michael Moore was right in his L.A. Times piece yesterday:
Let's create a world in which, when people see the Stars and Stripes, they will think of us as the people who brought peace to the world, who brought good-paying jobs to all citizens and clean water for the world to drink.

In anticipation of that day, I am putting my flag out today, with hope and with pride.
Let's keep it on display. Place a flag decal on your car next to your Kerry bumper sticker. Post it at your own website - steal the one we use (please don't link to it - download it!). It's yours. It's everyone's. It sure as hell ain't theirs.